Keynote Speakers (to be updated)


Prof. Nirwan Ansari, IEEE Fellow
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Nirwan Ansari, Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), received his Ph.D. from Purdue University, West Lafayette, M.S.E.E. from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and B.S.E.E. (summa cum laude, with a perfect gpa) from NJIT, Newark, respectively. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of National Academy of Inventors.
He authored with Tao Han with Green Mobile Networks: A Networking Perspective (2017, Wiley-IEEE), with J. Zhang Media Access Control and Resource Allocation for Next Generation Passive Optical Networks (2013, Springer), with E.S.H. Hou Computational Intelligence for Optimization (1997, Springer), and edited with B. Yuhas Neural Networks in Telecommunications (1994, Springer). He has also (co-)authored more than 600 technical publications. He has guest-edited a number of special issues covering various emerging topics in communications and networking. He has served on the editorial/advisory board of over ten journals including as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications. His current research focuses on green communications and networking, cloud computing, drone-assisted networking, and various aspects of broadband networks.
He was elected to serve in the IEEE Communications Society (COMSOC) Board of Governors as a member-at-large, has chaired some ComSoc technical and steering committees, is current Director of ComSoc Educational Services Board, has been serving in many committees such as the IEEE Fellow Committee, and has been actively organizing numerous International Conferences/Symposia/Workshops. He is frequently invited to deliver keynote addresses, distinguished lectures, tutorials, and invited talks. Some of his recognitions include several excellence in teaching awards, a few best paper awards, the NCE Excellence in Research Award, several ComSoc TC technical recognition awards, the NJ Inventors Hall of Fame Inventor of the Year Award, the Thomas Alva Edison Patent Award, Purdue University Outstanding Electrical and Computer Engineering Award, the NCE 100 Medal, and designation as a COMSOC Distinguished Lecturer. He has also been granted more than 40 U.S. patents.


Prof. Xuemin (Sherman) Shen, IEEE Fellow
University of Waterloo, Canada

Xuemin (Sherman) Shen (M’97–SM’02–F’09) received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, in 1990. He is a University Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada. His research focuses on network resource management, wireless network security, Internet of Things, 5G and beyond, and vehicular networks. Dr. Shen is a registered Professional Engineer of Ontario, Canada, an Engineering Institute of Canada Fellow, a Canadian Academy of Engineering Fellow, a Royal Society of Canada Fellow, a Chinese Academy of Engineering Foreign Member, and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society and Communications Society.

Dr. Shen received the Canadian Award for Telecommunications Research from the Canadian Society of Information Theory (CSIT) in 2021, the R.A. Fessenden Award in 2019 from IEEE, Canada, Award of Merit from the Federation of Chinese Canadian Professionals (Ontario) in 2019, James Evans Avant Garde Award in 2018 from the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, Joseph LoCicero Award in 2015 and Education Award in 2017 from the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), and Technical Recognition Award from Wireless Communications Technical Committee (2019) and AHSN Technical Committee (2013). He has also received the Excellent Graduate Supervision Award in 2006 from the University of Waterloo and the Premier’s Research Excellence Award (PREA) in 2003 from the Province of Ontario, Canada. He served as the Technical Program Committee Chair/Co-Chair for IEEE Globecom’16, IEEE Infocom’14, IEEE VTC’10 Fall, IEEE Globecom’07, and the Chair for the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Wireless Communications. Dr. Shen is the President Elect of the IEEE ComSoc. He was the Vice President for Technical & Educational Activities, Vice President for Publications, Member-at-Large on the Board of Governors, Chair of the Distinguished Lecturer Selection Committee, and Member of IEEE Fellow Selection Committee of the ComSoc. Dr. Shen served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE IoT JOURNAL, IEEE Network, and IET Communications.


Invited Speakers

Prof. Xinagjie Kong,
Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Dr. Xiangjie Kong is currently a Full Professor in the College of Computer Science & Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT), China. Previously, he was an Associate Professor in School of Software, Dalian University of Technology (DUT), China, where he was the Head of the Department of Cyber Engineering. He is the Founding Director of City Science of Social Computing Lab (The CSSC Lab) ( He is/was on the Editorial Boards of 6 International journals. He has served as the General Co-Chair, Workshop Chair, Publicity Chair or Program Committee Member of over 30 conferences. Dr. Kong has authored/co-authored over 160 scientific papers in international journals and conferences including IEEE TKDE, ACM TKDD, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TII, IEEE TITS, IEEE NETW, IEEE COMMUN MAG, IEEE TVT, IEEE IOJ, IEEE TSMC, IEEE TETC, IEEE TASE, IEEE TCSS, WWWJ, etc.. 5 of his papers is selected as ESI- Hot Paper (Top 1‰), and 18 papers are ESI-Highly Cited Papers (Top 1%). His research has been reported by Nature Index and other medias. He has been invited as Reviewers for numerous prestigious journals including IEEE TKDE, IEEE TMC, IEEE TNNLS, IEEE TNSE, IEEE TII, IEEE IOTJ, IEEE COMMUN MAG, IEEE NETW, IEEE TITS, TCJ, JASIST, etc.. Dr. Kong has authored/co-authored three books (in Chinese). He has contributed to the development of 14 copyrighted software systems and 20 filed patents. He has an h-index of 40 and i10-index of 100, and a total of more than 5800 citations to his work according to Google Scholar. He is named in the2019 and 2020 world’s top 2% of Scientists List published by Stanford University. Dr. Kong received IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Best Land Transportation Paper Award, and The Natural Science Fund of Zhejiang Province for Distinguished Young Scholars. He has been invited as Keynote Speaker at 2 international conferences, and delivered a number of Invited Talks at international conferences and many universities worldwide. His research interests include big data, network science, and computational social science. He is a Distinguished Member of CCF, a Senior Member of IEEE, a Full Member of Sigma Xi, and a Member of ACM.


Prof. Wenjie Chen,
Anhui University, China

Professor of Anhui University, doctoral supervisor, senior member of IEEE, executive deputy director of "Human-Machine Integration System and Intelligent Equipment Engineering Laboratory of Anhui Province", automation technology consultant of many government agencies and high-tech enterprises, former Singapore Agency for Science and Technology Research (ASTAR) Senior Researcher. The main research areas are precision mechanisms and micro-assembly systems for chip manufacturing, smart grasping of intelligent robots, co-operative robot co-operation, power-assisted exoskeletons and snake robots, etc. He is leading the team to focus on the research of cross-integrated innovative technologies in the above-mentioned fields, such as mechanism, drive, perception and control, for the national strategic needs.With more than 30 years of experience in researching, designing and developing various industrial automation equipment, especially specializing in the application of "mechanical intelligence" technology to solve the self-adaptation problems in precision assembly and robot manipulation; proposed a nanoimprint pair based on force loop decoupling Quasi-mechanism design method, "parallel adaptation" principle for strong underactuated configuration design, "structural configuration transformation" method for realizing a wide range of changes in mechanism stiffness, and use of human body's own energy to help users improve lifting ability Innovative technologies such as the power-assisted exoskeleton design method. The research results have been successfully applied to scenarios such as chip packaging, home appliance assembly, logistics handling, and automated operations in ports and airports.


Assoc. Prof. Liang Hunag,
Wuhan University of Technology, China

Associate Professor and Master Supervisor of School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology, Master Supervisor of Foshan Xianhu Laboratory/Foshan Branch of Advanced Energy Science and Technology, Director of Data Center of Guangdong Wufang Hydrogen Energy Research Institute, Fuchang Time and Space (Wuhan) Data Technology Co., Ltd. Chief expert of the company, senior consultant of Hubei New Energy Automobile Industry Technology Research Institute. Expert of Wuhan 3551 Talent Plan. The main research areas are: Industrial Internet, Intelligent Connected Vehicles and Internet of Vehicles, Ubiquitous Power Internet of Things, and Smart Cities. The main scientific research activities are: intelligent hardware development based on the Internet of Things, cloud platform development, artificial intelligence and big data mining, etc. Won 2 second prizes of Hubei Province Technological Invention Award. In recent years, he has presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation project, 1 scientific and technological research project in Wuhan, and dozens of horizontal scientific research projects in the field of new energy and cloud computing. Key research projects, major projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China, and major projects of technological innovation in Hubei Province. He has published more than 30 papers in core journals and important international conferences at home and abroad, and has authorized 57 invention patents.


Assoc. Prof. Liang Wang,
Sun Yat-Sen University, China

Associate professor and master tutor of School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University. Graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with a Ph.D., and a postdoctoral fellow at MIT , with profound theoretical foundation and rich engineering practice experience,
As the person in charge and the main participant, he has successively undertaken a real-time warning system for dangerous vehicles at night (funded by the US Department of Justice), the bilateral cruise control theory sub-project of the Toyota-MIT Unmanned Vehicle Project (funded by the Toyota Research Institute), XX and other projects2 The total cost is more than 10 million yuan. Many research results are at the domestic and international advanced level.
He has published more than 20 academic papers, of which 8 are indexed by SCI, 16 are indexed by EI, 1 monograph and 1 textbook.
He teaches the course "Microcomputer Principles and Embedded Systems", teaching the basic principles, architecture and functions of computer systems. On the basis of theoretical learning, students are guided to implement corresponding machine vision and intelligent perception algorithms on the MCU system, so as to realize the demonstration of complete physical models (such as unmanned vehicles or drone models).


Assoc. Prof. Lihong Zheng,
Charles Sturt University, Australia

A/Prof Lihong Zheng is with the School of Computing, Maths and Engineering, Charles Sturt University (CSU). She has broad expertise spanning from Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing, and data analytics, to Robotics, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge computing. Dr. Zheng's research focus is to design, model, develop or apply image processing, computer vision, computational intelligence, machine learning techniques, wireless sensor networks, and the Internet of Things (IoT) toward solving real-world problems in various domains, including agriculture, viticulture, and the environment. She has secured $7.4 million industry grants successfully in last 5 years. She has supervised 10 doctoral students to completion. She was a national winner of the Academia Award as part of the Women in IT Awards, Cisco in 2019, She also received Faculty Research Awards in 2021. She has contributed to an increased public awareness of STEM skills through promoting, organising and mentoring a variety of national and international events and competitions. She led a CSU team who won a Runner-up award in the Internet of Things (IoT) Spartans Challenge 2017, among 250 universities globally. Leading a research group of Imaging& Sensing, A/Prof. Lihong Zheng is conducting collaborative research in a multi-discipline team to provide innovative machine learning and image processing solutions to real applications. In addition to her active contribution to the research field of machine learning, computer vision, robotics, and biometrics identification through high-quality publications, A/Prof. Lihong Zheng is actively serving the various IEEE committees by organising international conferences and serving as an invited advisory committee member and session chairs, the editorial advisory board of journals, and frequently reviewing papers for international journals and conferences.



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